.ART: All about ENS mint

Minting .art names can differ from traditional ENS domain name registration in several ways; one way it's the process of integrating DNS into the ENS and parallel use, and the second way is its use as ENS names in the Ethereum network without DNS. Integrating DNS into ENS in its turn can be done in two ways - minting a non-transferable NFT or employ a gasless offchain resolver. Pros and cons of both ways are described below.

Register ENS without using a DNS domain.

You will be able to mint emojis combinations with Latin letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and hyphens (-) to create unique ENS .ART names on Protocol.ART.

Use the emoji keyboard and special character keyboard to search for available ENS .ART names. We are constantly working to include more characters and introduce new possibilities for your web3 identity.

ENS .ART names minted as NFTs are transferable and tradable.

Examples of acceptable combinations:

⭐️⭐️⭐️.art - only emoji.

⭐️Star.art - Emoji with Latin letters (A-Z), digits (0-9) and hyphens (-).

Prices for ENS registration

To maintain ownership of a domain name, there is an annual fee that must be paid in ETH. The amount of the fee depends on the length of the domain name.

5 characters or longer - $20 and renewal $20/year 4 characters - $40 and renewal $40/year 3 characters - $90 and renewal $40/year 2 characters - $490 and renewal $40/year 1 characters - $990 and renewal $40/year

The exchange rate between ETH and USD is determined by ETH/USD oracle.

ENS renewal

To renew an ENS (Ethereum Name Service) domain name, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Protocol.ART website and click on the "Connect wallet" button on the main menu.

  2. Click on your wallet address.

  3. Click on "view" next to the desired ens domain, after click on "renew" button.

  4. Select the duration for which you want to renew the domain name. .ART ENS domain names can be renewed for unlimited time

  5. Confirm the renewal by paying the required fee in Ether (ETH). The fee will vary depending on the duration of the renewal and the current gas price on the Ethereum network.

  6. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the Ethereum network. Once the transaction is confirmed, your ENS domain name will be renewed for the selected duration.

*It is important to renew your ENS domain name before it expires to prevent losing ownership of the domain name. If your ENS domain name expires and someone else registers it, you will need to bid for it again in a new auction process to regain ownership. Therefore, it is recommended to renew your domain name in advance to avoid any potential issues.

Register ENS with DNS domain.

Minting a non-transferable domain NFT

To use DNS integration with ENS, you will need to follow a few simple steps, including registering your .ART domain with a domain registrar, configuring a "TXT Record" in your DNS records to point to your ENS domain and verifying your ownership of the domain. Once these steps are complete, you will be able to mint your ENS .art domain to interact with decentralized applications and smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Registrar or where you can buy .ART domain

When choosing a domain registrar, it is important to consider factors such as pricing, customer support, domain management tools, and security features. It is also a good idea to compare the prices and features of different registrars to find the best deal for your needs. Once you have chosen a domain registrar, you can search for available domain names and purchase them through their website.

We recommended:

Domain pricing

What is the price of a typical (standard) .ART domain?

Pricing is set by the individual ICANN-accredited registrars from whom you will obtain your .ART domain. Based on our observations of the market, we believe that a typical one-year registration fee will be $15 – 25 for a standard domain.

Annual renewal fees should be priced about the same.

.ART also offers .ART Inventory names (or premium names) that are described below.

VAT may be applicable in addition depending on where you are located, if you are a business, and other factors.

What are premium names?

Premium names are generic words or word combinations that are more highly sought-after because they might be: related to the artistic industry, short, memorable, or valuable in some other way. These names might have a predicted value that is greater than the domain name standard price. Using sophisticated analytics, .ART established an inventory of names with a predicted value that is greater than the standard price. These names have been placed in a special .ART Inventory of Names and Word combinations (further on – .ART Names Inventory).

DNS + ENS renewal

ENS and DNS names are related, but in this case you need to renew your DNS name to be able to use ENS

To renew your DNS domain, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the account of the domain registrar where you registered your domain name.

  2. Look for the domain renewal option. This may be under the domain management, billing, or account settings menu.

  3. Select the duration for which you want to renew the domain name. Domain names can typically be renewed for up to 10 years at a time.

  4. Confirm the renewal by paying the required fee. The fee will vary depending on the duration of the renewal and the policies of your domain registrar.

  5. Wait for the domain renewal to be processed. This may take a few minutes or up to 48 hours, depending on the domain registrar and the domain's DNS configuration.

  6. Verify that the domain has been renewed. You can check the domain status and expiration date in the domain management section of your registrar account or by performing a WHOIS lookup.

It is important to renew your domain name before it expires to prevent losing ownership of the domain. If your domain name expires and someone else registers it, you may need to pay a higher price or go through a legal dispute to regain ownership. Therefore, it is recommended to set up automatic renewal or to renew your domain name in advance to avoid any potential issues.

It's important to note that DNS-enabled ENSes are currently not transferable, meaning that the person who owns the .ART domain also owns the associated NFT. Additionally, NFTs that are minted from DNS .ART domains cannot be traded. They are meant to be used as unique identifiers for the .ART domains they represent.

Employ a gasless offchain resolver

If you're not particularly interested in having the ENS NFT in your wallet, but appreciate the benefits of an easy-to-remember and user-friendly wallet address, we offer an alternative. You can obtain the same ENS domain without incurring any cost. To do this, simply create a gasless ENS domain from your existing DNS domain by adding a TXT record to your domain name zone. This way, you get to enjoy the same benefits without the associated costs. The service is completely free for all .ART DNS domain owners.

Gasless ENS how-to

Instructions for ENS mint

How to mint Emoji ENSLinking Your DNS Domain to ENSHow to obtain gasless .ART ENS domain

Last updated